A wish to Everyone who knows "Sutopuri"

This is a fan translation carrd for Strawberry Prince's rules by @stpri_enTL. Images are taken directly from the website.

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A Wish to Everyone That Knows "Sutopuri"

Listeners draw illustrations, make goods for themselves, and so on.
We, as “Sutopuri”, do our activities hoping that everyone can keep enjoying what we do happily.
Unfortunately, there has been a lot of reports about people reposting others’ art to their social media, people selling the goods they made themselves, and many more.
So that everyone can enjoy our activities and be considerate of others,
be it the listeners that have followed us for a long time or new listeners that have just known us,
we have compiled a wish from us “Sutopuri”, filled with the explanation of the rules along with questions from everyone.

We that work on the internet also have things called portrait rights and copyright.
Not obeying them means violating the law.

What is a "portrait right"?

It’s a right related to someone’s privacy. It’s someone’s right not to get their faces, figures, etc. to be published or used through photos, videos, pictures, or sculptures without their permission.

What is a "privacy"?

It’s a right for someone not to have their private lives exposed through photos, videos, etc. that are published without their permission on the internet.
Everyone has that right.


Sharing someone’s photos, videos, etc. that are taken without permission to others or uploading them to social media is not allowed.

What is a "publicity"?

People that are well-known by the public (Famous people, celebrity, etc.) are perceived to have an “economic value” to their names and image. The rights for those people to own the said value is called “publicity rights”.


Advertising or selling merchandise using someone's name or image without their permission is not allowed.

EXTRA: Rules for their streams and videos!

T/N: This is not in the rules site, but it's taken from their Youtube stream's description.

Please do not comment about things unrelated to the stream and don’t start conversations between listeners in the comment! (Some listeners might feel bad because of it, so be careful!)Do not mention the members’ names in other people’s videos/streams.Please refrain from saying things that could make others uncomfortable.Please do not give attention to spam/hateful comments (Those kinds of comments will be marked as NG and will be banned by a staff moderator during the stream or after it ends, so don’t worry! And please do not spread the cause of those comments in Twitter, etc.!)Spamming your name, emojis, etc. might make others uncomfortable, so please refrain from doing it.We will not answer to comments that say things that caters too much to one’s personal requests like “Call my name”, “Read my comment”, “Please do 〇〇”.People that do not follow the rules above will be blocked.

To protect everyone’s fun! This is a wish from Sutopuri!

T/N: Regarding non-Japanese comments.
Of course, it's fine, but make sure that it can be translated easily using a translator-- avoid using slangs because it doesn't translate well most of the time. Please choose your words carefully.
And if possible, please don't stray from the current topic, don't comment unrelated things out of nowhere. I know not everyone understands Japanese so this might be hard to do, but at least don't spam to get noticed.

Lastly, we once again ask you a favor.

We actually really want everyone to enjoy things as free as they want!
But we think there should be a consideration (promise) between everyone so that we all can enjoy things without thinking about anything sad or bad.
This time, we tried to explain it in this form!
We do want you to protect this promise, but the other thing we want to ask you is to be considerate to each other as you enjoy our content.
We don’t want you to refuse others’ thoughts or torment them. First of all, try putting yourself in their shoes and think if you like being treated that way, and if you don’t, then we don’t want you to do that to others.
If everyone brought even a little bit of kindness to the “consideration” they’re thinking of, then it’ll bring an even bigger kindness and understanding. We think everyone can be even happier that way.

Thank you for your support as always!
Sutopuri will continue trying their best to be a group you can proudly speak your love to everyone around you, be it your family, friend, or lover!
Please take care of us from now on too!

— Nanamori.

EXTRA 2: General community guide (Unofficial)

This part is not written on any of their sites and is only based on my observation and knowledge so it doesn't have an importance of the same level as the official rules, but I still would suggest you to give this part a read too. Especially if you're not sure about how to interact well with the community, more specifically the Japanese one! Also, this list isn't limited to Sutopuri, so maybe you can use it as a reference for other similar communities too.

When replying to the members in Japanese, it is highly suggested to use polite speech (keigo), although sometimes it's fine to use casual speech as long as it doesn't come off as rude.When typing the members' name in Japanese, it is very suggested to use honorifics like -san or -kun. This one is more important than the one above.

The reasons for the ones above are the same, it's because not doing so might come off as disrespectful or rude, but calling the members with honorifics is more important because not doing so is another level of rude (like I said, sometimes casual is fine as long as it doesn't came off as rude, but it's still very recommended to use polite speech instead).

The members egosearch often (mostly on Twitter), so make sure to watch what you tweet in Japanese.

If you want to talk about them without them finding your tweet by chance while egosearching, try using emojis or just don't type their name in full + -kun in Japanese (for example, 💗くん or maybe さくん (Sa-kun) for Satomi). Things like these are referred as エゴサ避け (egosa-sake, avoiding egosearch).

If you are a part of a member's subscription/membership, please refrain from tweeting about what happened in a public account.

Subscriptions/membership are also paid contents, so if possible, please refrain from talking about the contents of the stream in a public acc! Many people use a subscription/membership only account (locked) to tweet about the stream.


This is the most important.
The members might have anime boys as their avatar, but they are still real people and shipping real people counts as namamono (often shortened as nmmn) and the Japanese community is very strict with this. Not only ships, actually any form of derivative works (especially things like AU works, crossovers, fics, etc.) still counts as nmmn even when it's not intended to be shippy. Some general works are still fine to post publicly, like the siblings or school AU because the official has that (the six brothers and Tooi-san series). General derivative works are sometimes hard to decide if it's okay or not, so if you want to post it publicly, please at least avoid using the official hashtags and don't type the members' name in full, use egosa-sake like I showed in the point before this. Fics mostly go into the no area so it's better not to post it publicly.

Self-shipping/yume belongs to this category too, that's why utaite (or any similar real person category) yume arts in the jp fandom usually covers the utaite's face if posted publicly, and yume fics belong in the nmmn tag too.

I won't comment anything on people that ships them, but please keep it behind a locked acc because they have their own rules for this too. Please avoid using the official tag for posts that might have any hint of ship so that other listeners or the members won't find them.

That's all I can list for now. There might be additions or removals in the future.

Please DM me if there's anything you want to add or remove from this part, Thank you very much!